Avoid These 11 Food & Drinks to Control Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that has reached epidemic proportions among adults and children worldwide. Controlled diabetes has many serious consequences including heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, and other complications. Pre-diabetes has also been linked to these conditions. Immediately, eating certain foods can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels and promote inflammation, which may increase your risk of disease. We talk about 11 foods and drinks that people with diabetes or pre-diabetes should avoid.


1. White rice bread and flour, while most diabetics are wary of sugar, they usually don't keep a tab on eating low-quality carbs, like rice and foods made with white flour. Like bread and pasta act similar to sugar once the digestive process begins, this means that they interfere with the body to body's glucose levels switching to whole grains such as oatmeal barley and brown rice will help in keeping the bad carbs in check.


2. Fruit juice is packed with fiber and healthy carbs. Fruits are a great option for people.

with diabetes, but when it comes to fruit juice, you may want to reconsider. While it's more nutritious than soda and other sugary drinks, juices contain concentrated fruit sugar. That causes your blood sugar to spike. If you're craving a refreshing drink, just grab a natural flavor seltzer instead. 

3. Fruit-flavored yogurt. Plain yogurt can be a good option for people with diabetes. However, fruit-flavored varieties are a very different story. Four yogurts are typically made from non-fat or low-fat milk and loaded with carbs and sugar. In fact, one cup 245 gram serving of fruit-flavored yogurt may contain almost 31 grams of sugar, meaning nearly 61 of its calories come from sugar.


4. Many people consider frozen yogurt to be a healthy alternative to ice cream. However, it can contain just as much or even more sugar than ice cream for bananas and melons. Most fruits are packed with vitamins fiber and good carbs, which can be a part of your daily diet. However, some fruits are more sugary than others and may end up increasing your blood sugar levels. Bananas, melons, and stone fruits like peaches have relatively higher sugar content and may affect your blood sugar level. 


5. Fried foods, in general, are not good for your body and if you have type 2 diabetes, going into eating french fries, potato chips, fried chicken and other deep-fried foods is a big no these foods are fast-food soaked in a lot of oil and in many cases are coated with breading that increases the calorie count even more also many fast food fast-food restaurants fry food in hydrogenated oils that have high trans fats there is no safe limit on the consumption of trans fats and diabetics need to be much more careful about such



6. sugar-sweetened beverages. Sugary beverages are the worst drink choice for someone with diabetes. First, they're very high in carbs with a 12-ounce 354 ml can of cola providing 38.5 grams, the same amount of sweetened iced tea and lemonade, each. Almost 45 grams of carbs are exclusively from sugar. In addition, these drinks are loaded with fructose, which is strongly linked to insulin resistance and diabetes. Indeed, studies suggest that consuming sugar-sweetened beverages may increase the risk of diabetes-related conditions like fatty liver disease. What's more, the high fructose levels in sugary drinks may lead to metabolic changes that promote belly fat and potentially harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

7. Fatty cuts of meat avoid fatty meats for the same reason as whole milk products. They are also high in saturated fats, which increase cholesterol and can cause inflammation throughout the body while putting a person with diabetes at greater risk of heart disease, changing their protein from fat cuts to lean proteins like skinless chicken and turkey pork tenderloin, lean beef and fish. 


8. Dried fruit, with high fiber content and nutrients might make dried fruit look like a healthy option, but you might want to reconsider if you have type 2 diabetes. Dried fruit undergoes dehydration which causes its natural sugars to get very concentrated. Although it's a better snacking option when compared to cookies, it will still send your blood sugar soaring. Just have some fresh fruit like strawberries or grapefruit instead.


9. Packaged snack foods, pretzels, crackers, and other packaged foods aren't good snack choices-they'sthey'ree typically made with refined flour and provide few nutrients although they have plenty of fast-digesting carbs that can rapidly raise blood sugar.


10. Breakfast pastries are as tempting as they may be baked products like pastry muffins. Donuts and cinnamon rolls are made from processed white flour which is high in carbs, sugar, and fat. They also have high quantities of sodium and may contain trans fats if you absolutely must have them look for fat-free or sugar-free options.


11. Energy bars. Sports or energy bars are not completely bad, but diabetics need to be more careful about their food choices. Cars and sugar are the two main sources of energy for your body and sports bars may have more of it than is good for your body. For bars that have a good balance of protein and carbs with minimal fat and sugar.


Stay Healthy

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