Scams through Internet in 2022

In this blog, we are talking about internet scams. So, just like every year, there are a bunch of scams that are either brand new or maybe they are not even new, but they are becoming more popular recently. They are variations on an old scam that you should watch out for. But of course, the best way to defend them is to simply know about them.

Let’s discuss the scams

Google Voice Verification Scam

This is very tricky because you might not even realize that you were tricked by the end of it. This one usually targets the people who are selling things online, such as on Facebook, the marketplace, or Craigslist, but really anywhere people post their phone number to be contacted. And this even includes, sadly, people who are looking for lost pets. So how this scam works is, that they will first contact you and say they are a little bit hesitant. They want to verify you are a real person or verify that you are the real pet owner, or verify that you realize something.  

And then they will say that they are going to send a verification text or there may also be a voice call, and it will be from Google Voice. It will say Google Voice Verification text, and then a code and they will ask you to give that code to them. And if you do, even if you don’t have a Google Voice account, they got you. 

Google Voice verification is basically a service where you get assigned a virtual phone number, and then you can receive calls. a virtual phone number that gets forwarded to your main number.

Zelle Payment Scam 

This one is interesting and this one is interesting because you might not even realize that a lot of banks, possibly even many banks, use Zelle and may have automatically signed you up so you can receive payments or send payments through Zelle, even though you never really made an account for it. And that's what the scammers take advantage of. So how this scam works, is scammers will send out mass text messages to a whole bunch of people and it will say something like, "Fraud detected, if you did not make this charge for that amount of dollars. And no matter what you respond, if you do respond at all they will then call you from a spoofed number to look like the bank and pretend to be the bank's fraud department. Then they will say something like, “We need to verify your identity" and they will ask for your bank username, not your password, which some people might be thrown off by. And the reason for this is what they are going to try and do is go through the password reset process with you on the phone,  but you don't realize that's what's happening. 

So they basically go onto the bank's website, put in the username you just gave them and, say they forgot their password, which will then, with Zelle at least, apparently trigger a text message to be sent to the phone number associated with it. Which again, is your number, but you might not realize that it is. And what they will say is, "I am going to be sending you an SMS message with a verification code, and you will have to read that back to me to can get make sure you are legit" or whatever. And unbeknownst to you, that's not a  verification text code, it's a code to reset your password. Anyway, so once they get this number, they basically can get a bank account and potentially even change your password. And because  Zelle is tied to your bank account, usually,  they can use this to send money out of it.

Cloud access job scam


This one is another interesting one because it doesn't always scam the person directly, but rather uses them sort of like the Google Voice scam to scam other people. Although sometimes, depending on the situation, you can be scammed directly. 

So how this scam works is the scammers will post a fake job listing online, which people will respond to, and they may even do a mock interview where they don't really show their face. But maybe it's a text interview or over chat or something like that.  And then they will offer you the job. And then afterward they will say something like, "Well we do have some requirements for you to actually be getting into this job and we have to have you sign this tax form". And first of all, with the tax form,  that's not even the main part of the scam, but they might be kind of double-dipping by when you do fill that information out, like with your Social Security number, they might take that and use that later against you But the main part of the scam is actually this other document, and say things like, "To get this job, you need to confirm that you are wing to go through our setup process within  24 hours or else you won't get the job". And this process basically involves you signing up for a cloud computing account. Whether that's AWS, Amazon Web Services,  Google Cloud, something that.

And the payoff for the scammers is they will ask you, all right, after you set it up, give us the username and password and we can complete our setup process. And then once you do, they can use that Google Cloud or AWS account for nefarious purposes. A lot of times these accounts will have a starting bonus credit or something like a trial credit, and those users now used the information that you are now associated with for fraud, which obviously is not good. Or sometimes I believe they may even get you to add your credit card number to the account and then say, we will reimburse you and we will give you a bonus if you do this". And then, they can not only just charge the trial credit but then start using your credit card information for fraudulent purposes by running, or whatever they want to use these computing resources from this account on other people.


Post-disaster scams 

Post disaster scams are in  general category. And these are becoming more common simply because more things are happening. For example, in 2021, there is that huge "Tornado outbreak", it's being called were a whole bunch of homes across the United States was destroyed, and then scammers of course lined up to take advantage of this.

For example, you may see an advertisement or receive a text or phone call, whatever, and say, "You are eligible for FEMA relief funds. You can get some money and you just have to pay this fee, and then we will get you the funds". And obviously, fees for FEMA relief are not a thing.  It's a scam to just take your money.

Some scammers may also pretend to be government officials as part of the relief effort and say, " To help you out or get you whatever resource, we need to first get your personal information and your banking  information", or maybe even transfer money directly. It is the same idea, that they might use it to steal your identity, something like that. So just be very suspicious and only sign up for any kind of resources through official government websites. Just remember even if you go through a disaster. Still try and take the time to vet some of these people that are claiming to be who they are, they might not be.


 Geek Squad subscription scam

 This is not saying that Geek Squad is the scam, but rather scammers using that name as part of the scam. Now, this scam is actually really similar to other scams, but usually, the scammers use something like Amazon. So I have never seen it used before with Geek Squad, so I figured I will bring it up. And how the, one works are they will send you a text message or probably an email, that will be a fake subscription renewal confirmation. And then they will say, "To contact for information about this order, contact this phone number", which is going to contact the scammer. 

And then from there, it is the usual. They ask you, "What is your credit card info? So we can confirm the order", or something like that. They just use that to steal and take your money. And the way to defend against these scams is to simply call the office phone number on the actual retailer's website. So in this case, you go on Best Buy's actual website, check their actual phone number, don't rely on the one there in the email if you really want to check for it, or just kind of be able to recognize that it is a scam. And also just be aware that these types of scams are not just happening for Apple, iTunes, and Amazon anymore,  it's more obscure services.


Omicron PCR testing scam

Apparently, this one is happening mostly in the United  Kingdom but really could happen anywhere.  And basically, how it works is you will get a text message or an email, something like that claims to be a way to get a free COVID Omicron test. And in the United Kingdom, at least the one that's mostly going around sends you to a website that looks like National Health Service. And basically, you have to fill out all your personal information, potentially even credit card information, and then they will just steal whatever you put in. And then you don't get the test.

 I remember actually talking about this scam I think last year, where it was obviously not Omicron, but it was the same story, scammers pretending to be a government agency. And in that one, they did ask for your credit card number for a fee. So just be aware, to always only go to the official website and make sure you check that URL.


Child tax credit scams 

Now, last year in the United States, the federal government did send out payments in the form of tax credits, depending on if you had children and stuff like that. But theoretically, this could happen anywhere in the world for any government program that is involving sending money to people. And what scammers have been doing is at the time these payments were going out and still to this day continuing, saying that, "You qualify for this tax credit", or maybe by this point they will say, "You are qualifying to get another tax credit". 

And how this one works is not really a new story. They contact you via text message or voicemail or whatever email, and they will say, "You qualify for this tax credit. You can get this amount of money, but you have to do x y z first". And really the sky is the limit after you contact them and believe it, they could ask for personal information, banking information a fee, or something for the bank transfer. Whatever they say, they are probably going to try and get as much as they can out of you.


Emergency Broadband Program impersonators 

This one is actually a really run-of-the-mill scam in terms of the technique, but I wanted to point this one out because the real program not the scam one, is actually something I think most people should at least know about, so I wanted to mention it. It's just another federal program in the USA. But basically, if you qualify, the government apparently will give you a refund of, or a kind of a rebate of, 50 bucks a month for internet service So that might be worth checking if you are struggling to pay for your internet bill,  especially in these times of remote work. You might want to look into that, just on the official government website. Don't believe any of these scammers.  

The main notable thing I noticed about this game when I was reading is that apparently, scammers are using social media advertising to spread it, not just spam texts and stuff like that. And a lot of people may fall for it because they may expect to get spam on their text message or email, but maybe not see scams in social media advertising like on Facebook. And then what happens, is you click on this advertisement or click on the link, maybe they do send an email.  And then it is the usual "Take sign up for this. We need your identity information. We need you to pay this fee". So just remember if you do see advertisements for some government program, even if it is a real thing, definitely look it up yourself on the actual government website.


Google the actual website, don't necessarily take an advertisement at face value. So by now, you should be at least more aware of some of the more popular scams, though don't think that these are the only ones going around. But if you are aware of the general patterns of these scams, at the end of the day, they are kind of similar so you can start to recognize them, even if it's not exactly the same.

Cryptocurrency market update

This blog is an update on the cryptocurrency market, including prices for Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies.

A cryptocurrency isn't a sort of cash that can be utilized in reality. Performing exchanges just in the advanced world can be utilized. So to purchase/sell utilizing cryptographic money, it must be changed over from a computerized structure to some current cash that is utilized in reality. Eg: Dollars, Rupees, etc.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency created using cryptography for security. To date, the total market value of the cryptocurrency has exceeded USD 600 billion. The first cryptocurrency was bitcoin, which was released in 2009. Bitcoin is an open-source software project that can be used to create other cryptocurrencies with different functions and rules. The price of bitcoin (the most popular cryptocurrency) ranges from $10,000 to USD 19,000 at any given time. This volatility makes it risky for investors who don't have a long time horizon or those who are not willing to risk their money on such investments. However, many believe that this volatility provides opportunities for traders and speculators who know when to buy and sell bitcoin based on its history.

How does the market work? The cryptocurrency market works on a supply and demand system. Cryptocurrencies are typically traded through exchanges that match buyers and sellers of the cryptocurrency, with each party paying a fee for their services. The price of cryptocurrencies is determined by how much people are willing to buy and sell them on these exchanges. There are many types of cryptocurrencies, all with different features and benefits. If you want to invest in cryptocurrencies then you need to find one that suits your needs, or create your own coin if it doesn't exist yet. You can also mine coins yourself by using your computer's resources (CPU) or investing in mining hardware like ASICs.

The blockchain is a public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions that have ever been executed. It's constantly growing as 'completed' blocks are added to it with a new set of recordings. The blocks are added to the blockchain in a linear, chronological order. Each node computer connected to the Bitcoin network using a client that performs the task of validating and relaying transactions gets a copy of the blockchain, which gets downloaded automatically upon joining the Bitcoin network. A block can contain any number of transactions between users, but usually only includes one or two per block for security reasons. Blocks are created about every ten minutes on average and each block contains data from some or all previous blocks (hence blockchain).

Solar Shingles and their Installation Cost Review


Solar shingles have been around for a get you years however in 2018 the first installations of the Tesla solar shingles also known as the Tesla solar roof have turned the way we think about solar shingles on their head what are solar roof shingles they are roof tiles that contain solar cells they both generate solar electricity and function as a waterproof roof product.

Tesla is the first solar panel shingles manufacturer several to make the active solar shingles that contain the solar cells look the same as all the other non-active roof tiles that don't generate power for twenty-one dollars and thirty-five cents per square foot the cost of putting that Tesla solar roof on a 2500 square foot home would be around fifty thousand dollars.

How does the cost of solar shingles compare to the cost of a conventional roof.? Conventional materials are cheaper only around one to two dollars per square foot but to properly evaluate the value of the solar shingles you have to add in the value of the solar system you are getting as well as the fact that the solar shingles have a lifetime warranty a solar system for a large home of around eight kilowatts will cost around twenty-five thousand dollars less the federal tax credit when this is taken into account the cost of the Tesla solar shingles doesn't seem that far out of the ballpark however it is not clear whether the cost of twenty-one dollars and thirty-five cents per square foot includes the installation cost or not if it doesn't then you could expect installation to be another five to eight thousand dollars.

Several other companies make solar roof shingles perhaps the best known is CertainTeed who have had a solar roof tile product called Apollo to the advantage of the CertainTeed product is that it is cheaper than the Tesla solar roof the major disadvantage is that the active solar roof tiles look different to the regular roofing around them and only replace part of the roof the other company who makes a product that can cover an entire roof although they claim that their complete roof solution runs at $38 per square foot making it even more expensive than the Tesla solar roof.

solar roof tiles are great for the environment your home and your utility bills they reduce co2footprint leverage a clean and natural source of energy that reduces your family's carbon footprint they reduce energy bills solar shingles reduce annual energy costs often by forty to sixty percent all American homeowners are eligible for the 30% federal solar tax credit until the end of 2019.

Solar shingles do have a few drawbacks as a roofing material the Solar roof tiles are about 10 times the cost of conventional roofing materials and solar panels the solar roof tiles are about three times the cost of a conventional residential solar power system for the same production capacity there is a very long way from ordering to installation of the Tesla solar roof and very few trained installers shingle efficiency is subject to roof orientation rack-mounted grids can be installed at angles or on the ground to capture maximum amounts of sunlight.

Solar shingles are limited to the natural direction and angle of your roof there have been so few Tesla solar roof installations that it is hard to know whether solar companies will install them or whether roofing contractors will install them if you're building a new house the tests of solar shingles are definitely worth looking at if you have an existing house with a roof that does not need replacing conventional solar panels will only be 30% of the cost of the Tesla solar shingles for the same solar energy production you must get your solar panels for your home installed as quickly as possible getting solar panels now would lock you in the net metering rate for a fixed period typically 20 years thus guaranteeing your return on investment.

Click here to buy now

What is Gaming

Since our inception, we have been working on developing and developing innovative technology to make our customers better. We have a good track record of success with customers, and we are a highly sought-after comsought-after pany India, China, and Japan, the latter having established itself as a market leader. Our team of engineers, designers, developers, and sales & marketing staff has been working as an independent entity since its inception. The business has been profitable in the past year and we aim to expand the business further to include more products and services in the future.

Gaming is not a game, so no it is not a game. Video games are a form of entertainment. They do not require a game cartridge to play or any expensive computer-based systems to play them. There are several different video games available today to accommodate any age or skill level. The three basic categories of video games in the U.S. (excluding e-learning platforms) are: Role Playing Games are like the role-playing game genre for kids. They allow players to choose the character and interact with the world. They are easy to learn and fun to play. Role-playing games are an excellent way to give kids a unique experience, without spending a lot of time on the computer.

Video games are used to communicate and communicate with other people. People sometimes use video games to communicate about sports, love, business, marriage, family, and politics. The popularity of video games is growing, and the games that most people play these days are more interactive, interactive games and mobile games. There are over 25 million Americans that play video games. This is the second consecutive year that video games have made up the largest chunk of the video games market. This report shows the most important games that the video game market is growing and also shows which games are growing the fastest in the market.

Role-playing games are popular in both fantasy and science fiction literature. Role-playing games are not confined to video games but have been featured in numerous media. From Dungeons & Dragons to Star Wars Role-playing, Role-playing Games are part of the pop culture and are now very well accepted among teens, children, young adults, and adults. A quick google will give you a general idea of Role-Playing Games. For instance, it is no longer taboo to play Dungeons & Dragons for children and play with fellow role-players online, on the go, etc. In the same vein, Role-Playing Games also exist on the popular tabletop game board game board games are a series of tabletop games for playing games.

About the difference between games and other media: What are the different types of games? How are games different from other media? What are the advantages and disadvantages of games? Video games are played in a variety of settings and languages. They include: In some regions, a video game is considered a cultural artifact (i.e., the game is native to the country of its creator) Video games are played on a video screen with a television and a game controller. A handheld game system may also be used to play video games. The electronic game device is usually connected to a computer.

To enjoy playing  Click for Video games

Thrustmaster T300 RS Review

The Thrustmaster T300 RS is a powerful game-changer for any PC gamer. It will let you play the most popular games, along with multiplayer online games and many more. This product comes in two models: the 1,000 GB + 4 GB version, which has more storage capacity, and the 3 GB model with 8 GB of memory. Both these models are available on Intel 8 Core processors and Intel Nuc 6200 or above. Each model will allow users to download almost all the latest titles. Furthermore, your computer will only be able to run certain types of programs. So, no big surprise that it’s quite different from most other products.

The Thrustmaster T300 RS is powered by three solid-state drives (SSDs), providing ample space and speed to do everything you need. In addition, this desktop computer can also provide an excellent streaming experience.

The Thrustmaster T300 RS is made up of several features. First off, there are four expansion slots in each drive bay for storing additional media cartridges, making sure that you always have enough space to store them and do anything you want. You can even move around the system with ease. Another advantage is its easy-to-use interface. If not, you can simply press a button or click a menu to manage your files. Other important aspects include a USB and 2GB RAM, as well as an SD card slot. Moreover, you can connect the computer to your internet through Wi-Fi. Then everything is ready for you. Lastly, it supports multi-platform gaming, allowing players to play across consoles such as PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. All in all, you should get a powerful desktop computer with just one click.

The pricing of the Thrustmaster T300 RS starts at $399.99. That makes the price more than twice as much as the competition. Most competitors of the same price range offer lesser specifications. On top of that, some don’t even come with basic components such as CPU and memory, so you will have to spend more than this one. The only downside is that if you want a high-end processor and 128 GB of memory, then they’ll cost you around $700–$800. Of course, we cannot blame you if I say that both the models of this product are great. They are both packed with advanced features you will appreciate. However, if you want to enjoy a decent set of specs, then you can choose the option with 1 TB of storage.

The Thrustmaster T300 RS also comes with a built-in firewall to protect you against unauthorized users. It provides access to over 100 server locations, including Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Red Hat Linux, etc. Moreover, it has two backbones, i.e., Cinebench R23 and GFX Bench. Therefore, you can test how different games perform on your machine without worrying about the network you run on. Also, it comes preinstalled with Adobe Premiere Pro. Thus, you can immediately start producing some awesome movies right away.

The Thrustmaster T300 RS is easily upgraded. Here is the list of all the upgrades and maintenance instructions on how to upgrade this particular product. It allows you to install Windows 11, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, macOS 11, and Linux Mint 17 on it. To ensure maximum performance, you can install various software that could increase your hardware budget. As a result, you can purchase newer versions of these programs, but it won’t affect your operating system. For example, you can install Baidu for web search on it. Similarly, you can obtain Microsoft Office 365 instead of using MS Office.


The Thrustmaster T300 RS is undoubtedly one of the most useful devices for professionals and those who like to work on multiple systems at once. But, it’s also affordable too, at least compared to similar offerings. So, choose the one with the best processor and build it for yourself.

Click the link to buy Thrustmaster T300 to get the amazing deal.

Pixel Watch Review

I was always a little bit of an Apple fanboy (despite my somewhat negative experiences with the iPhone), but after years of waiting to see what Apple would do for wearables, it turns out Google is finally listening. The first watch I tried — and oh boy, did I never want to take off my wrist ever again. You might be thinking this isn’t an actual piece of technology by any means, but let me tell you now there is more to it than meets the eye. As I said before, it could have been better, but at least I got one, so that counts for something.

The company behind the device, Xiaomi announced today “the next-generation smart fitness band”, only on its homepage (and don’t worry, I will not tell you more about the screen). That phone case is almost as big as those from my former Moto X. It has a 7 inch TFT panel and uses Li-Po rechargeable batteries for power, which takes up just over a quarter of all your battery life, so good thing they went back to USB for charging and keeping your battery safe.

Not unlike my Motorola X-10 when I put mine through hell after purchasing a charger that wasn’t worth the cost (not mentioning the fact that some competitors had a higher rating than MI did until they came out with their own) Xiaomi promises “the best in the smart band,” so maybe the screen does offer some advantage, but I think most people are looking for some other benefit than a mere screen for the time being. Maybe the price is something people like, or maybe if they’ve had a bad experience with their previous smart band, then we can look forward to the next generation and get another round. Let’s see how it turns out.

The Case Makes Me Want To Wear Something Other Than This One

The smartphone band itself is solid enough on the outside and makes me feel secure, even though it comes with a hole where my thumb rests. But the actual band itself looks slick and smooth, so I would say that’ll make me feel comfortable regardless of whether I am wearing it around my neck or wrapped around my wrist. Now, let me talk about that screen… You can see where you are coming from. With the case on, the whole screen looks flat and boring, except for the music player — which looks great. Not the worst part of Xiaomi’s design for sure, and I am pretty stoked to see the real potential here.

But what makes me feel confident in the actual hardware inside. Because that’s what the watch is, right? Yes, it is, but its function is also very simple: just keep track of your steps. That way, if someone were to ask you how many steps you took yesterday, or are going to take tomorrow, you could always count on the watch to tell you whether these numbers are real or fake. So yes, a little bit of hardware here. However, I will also admit that the watch doesn’t measure anything. If I want to know how many steps I took yesterday, I just have to press two buttons on the top of the screen. No need to go into settings to try and find out, no worries.

This all works well on iOS, although I think developers are getting away from things just enough to figure out whether or not they are working properly on new versions of their apps. At present, everything runs fine on the latest version of Android software, so whenever your heart drops because it has officially lost eight hundred calories, you know precisely what time! Or how much water you should drink. Of course, that data is also kept on our devices. My friends have recently given them both in a couple of days and their initial reactions have been pretty positive.

The Display Can See Things On Your Phone

The display that the gadget displays isn’t too shabby as well. Both my models are fairly good, if nothing else, so the main drawback is that neither can read, write, or interact with anyone, so I’d rather use the watch when I’m just checking stuff like my phone notifications, or doing my social media updates. If you have another watch around your neck, then my advice would be to buy a different model, but for me, they’re both fine. There are no big differences between the watch, so I wouldn’t be complaining about this either.

What About Those Battery Life Problems?

Well, the problem with these watches is battery life, no doubt about it. They are designed to be used while worn, so that means they are charged, and you get 8–12 hours between charges depending on the situation. In theory, that’s a lot of battery time that you should have in reserve. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Even still, we can expect that these devices will last a day with regular usage unless you plan on using just the watch for one activity instead of multiple ones. If that happens, then the battery life will start disappearing. Sure, they aren’t expected to run off completely, but if the watch is already dead in the morning that’ll suck! Honestly, I hope that one day we can take one step ahead of tech and make a watch instead of a laptop. We’ll take a look at the upcoming Amazon Echo (or whatever), but for now, these watches might be nice to have.

The Bottom Line

I cannot wait to finish the watch with the usual swish of my arm around the side and then slip this sucker off next to my face. Yeah, I’ve told myself before, but I promise you my mind will soon change. For today, I’d recommend taking your foot off that seat for once. Come on, please. I can do this. Eventually, we’ll reach true happiness. Until then, I’ll spend every evening with my beautiful watch.

Why Drink Garlic Water Daily?

Garlic is a very essential ingredient in our daily life. Garlic is used in many remedies. But in today’s blog, we will discuss garlic water.


Garlic water fights against acne. Garlic contains allicin which fights against bacteria that cause acne. It also increases blood circulation, which allows the skin to receive more nutrients and is a great natural remedy for your skin problems. People take expensive glutathione therapy for improving their skin but don't realize that nature has provided us with this great herb. 


Garlic water makes your hair healthy. Garlic is healthy for hair as it contains vitamins and minerals like vitamin b6, vitamin c, manganese, and selenium. All of these vitamins and minerals are really beneficial for healthy hair.


Garlic protects your eyes. Garlic has a significant role in the production of glutathione, which is an important sulfur-containing protein that acts as an antioxidant for the lens of the eye. People take expensive glutathione therapies for improving their skin and to get other benefits, but don't realize nature has provided us with garlic.


Garlic protects against cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. There is a lot of research published on the beneficial effects of garlic. It has been proved that garlic inhibits the enzymes involved in lipid synthesis and decreases total cholesterol by 15 to 20 percent. It also prevents platelet aggregation and relieves oxidant stress on cells. Because of its antioxidant properties, these all play a cardio-protective role.


Garlic reduces the risk of cancer. Garlic also reduces the risk of certain carcinomas. The American Institute for cancer research has provided a report on this fact. After conducting global research, it has been found that garlic compounds help in DNA repair and boost many cellular defense systems. Thus, it plays an important role in reducing the incidence of cancer, especially colorectal and skin carcinomas. 

Garlic boosts the immune system. The immune system helps us combat different diseases and garlic plays an important part in boosting the active compound present in garlic, which is allicin, which helps the body fight different diseases. It acts as an antibacterial and antiseptic compound, killing microbes and acting as a shield for the body.


Garlic encourages weight loss. Garlic also helps in weight loss because it fastens up the metabolism and helps the body burn calories more efficiently. Gary Gary also acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing food intake and eventually boosting weight loss. It makes you feel full for a longer period and prevents you from overeating. This feeling of fullness reduces food intake and helps you reduce body fat.


Garlic protects against coughs, colds, and flu. Studies show that garlic can fight against cough and flu. It reduces the chances of catching the illness in the first place by boosting your immune system. Drinking garlic water with honey before going to bed provides relief against coughing. Also, when the season changes, many people suffer from coughing and flu. Garlic is approved to have some antiviral properties which can help you fight against the seasonal flu.


Garlic relieves symptoms of asthma. Actually, asthma is an inflammatory process and garlic can help you with that inflammation. garlic contains a compound called diallyl disulfide. Diallyl disulfide is an anti-inflammatory compound that limits the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, garlic can help fight inflammation. It reduces the symptoms of asthma as it reduces inflammation. Add garlic water to your daily routine and you will see great results.

Garlic protects against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is thought to be caused by the abnormal buildup of proteins in and around brain cells which is a part of the normal aging process. Similarly, dementia is caused by damage to the brain, especially by oxidative damage. Garlic contains antioxidants that protect the body against oxidative damage. High doses of garlic supplements have been shown to increase antioxidant enzymes in humans as well as significantly reduce oxidative stress in those with high blood pressure. The combined effects of reducing cholesterol and blood pressure as well as the antioxidant properties may reduce the risk of common brain diseases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia.


Garlic improves athletic performance. Garlic is one of the earliest performance-enhancing substances known to man. There is evidence that it was traditionally used in ancient cultures to reduce fatigue and enhance the work capacity of laborers. It was given to Olympic athletes in ancient Greece to increase their strength and stamina. According to research, people with heart disease who took garlic oil for six weeks had the 12th reduction in peak heart rate and better exercise capability. Other studies suggest that exercise-induced fatigue may be reduced by using garlic water daily, like how to make garlic water. There are different ways of making garlic water. All of them work.

We will discuss some easy and quick ways to save your precious time.


Method one: Take three cloves of garlic and diallyl glass a and pour boiled hot water on them. cover it and let it come to room temperature. Use this mixture in the morning to empty your stomach for maximum effect. If you don't like the taste, add one tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey for great taste and results.


Method two Put three cloves of chopped garlic in boiling water and let it boil for five minutes once it comes to room temperature. Add the honey according to your desired taste and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning for maximum results.


Method three: Another way of making garlic water is to add three to five cloves of garlic and water and give it a real mix using a blender, leave the water overnight as this water will absorb all the nutrients and desired minerals in it. Boil this water for three minutes and drink it on an empty stomach.


Before you add garlic water to your diet, it is very important to know that the national institute of health has advised that taking garlic may increase your risk of bleeding, so if you take a blood thinner such as warfarin or if you are undergoing surgery, don't add garlic water to your diet or. So consult with your doctor before doing so. Also, garlic has been found to interfere with the effectiveness of some drugs that are used to treat HIV infection. If you are not suffering from such a condition, you can add it to your daily diet and enjoy all the health benefits of garlic water.


Stay Healthy

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition in which the force of blood

on the walls of your arteries is often too high. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart to supply your tissues with oxygen and nutrients. In your heart, two chambers, called ventricles, contract with each heartbeat to push blood to your lungs and through your arteries to your body.  


As blood flows through them, three main factors affect the pressure on your artery walls. The first is cardiac output or the amount of blood your ventricles push out of your heart each minute. Your blood pressure goes up as cardiac output increases. The second factor affecting your blood pressure is blood volume or the total amount of blood in your body. Blood pressure also goes up as blood volume increases. The third factor that affects your blood pressure is resistance, which is anything working against the blood flow through your arteries. Several factors contribute to resistance. One resistance factor is the flexibility of your artery wall. Healthy arteries expand with each heartbeat to help reduce blood pressure on the wall. 


Another resistance factor is the diameter of your arteries. Your body can increase the diameter of your arteries to lower your blood pressure or reduce the diameter to raise your blood pressure. A third resistance factor is blood viscosity or thickness. In your blood, more particles, such as proteins and fat, increase viscosity. If your blood is thicker, your blood pressure goes up as your heart works harder to push it through your arteries. Your blood pressure can be measured with a device called a sphygmomanometer, or blood pressure cuff. 

When your heart beats, the pressure of blood on the walls of your arteries is called systolic pressure. When your heart relaxes between beats, pressure on the artery wall is called diastolic pressure. While your blood pressure may change throughout the day, it should normally be less than 120 millimeters of mercury for systolic pressure, and less than 80 millimeters of mercury for diastolic pressure. If your systolic pressure frequently stays above 140, or your diastolic pressure frequently stays above 90, you have high blood pressure. Over time, high blood pressure will damage the walls of your arteries.

Your artery wall may become weak and form an enlargement called an aneurysm. Or the wall may burst and bleed into the surrounding tissue. Small tears in your artery wall may attract certain substances in your blood, such as cholesterol, fat, and calcium, to form a build-up called a plaque. 


Blood flow through your artery decreases as the plaque enlarges. Blood cells can stick to the plaque and form solid clumps, called clots, further reducing, or completely blocking, your blood flow. Damage to your arteries raises your blood pressure even more by making your heartbeat more forcefully. Artery damage and reduced blood flow lead to conditions such as a stroke, heart attack, or kidney disease.

In most cases, the cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension, is unknown. This type of high blood pressure is called primary, or essential, hypertension. Treatment for essential hypertension includes lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet. If you are sensitive to the sodium in salt, your doctor may recommend limiting your intake of salt and highly processed foods. Sodium may cause your body to retain water, which increases both your blood volume and your blood pressure. Other lifestyle changes that can reduce blood pressure include avoiding excessive alcohol intake; getting regular exercise; losing weight if you are overweight; and quitting smoking. 


Your doctor may also recommend medications that act on your kidneys and blood vessels, or heart to help reduce your blood pressure. Diuretics commonly called water pills, cause your kidneys to move more salt and water from your blood into your urine, which reduces your blood volume and pressure. Beta-blockers reduce the workload on your heart by decreasing both the rate of your heartbeat and the strength of your heart's contractions. Several types of drugs act directly or indirectly to reduce your blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels, which increases their diameter. These drugs include ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, and direct-acting vasodilators.

Stay Healthy

Bedtime Habits for Amazing Sleep


Daily habits can transform your bedtime for the better! The blue light from our phones, laptops, pads & TV screens disrupts our natural sleep cycle. It tricks our brain into thinking it is daytime, which makes it secrete awake hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol. These keep us awake and alert, so it's difficult for us to fall asleep that night. Solve this by using a blue light filter for all your devices after sunset. Flux is good for your laptops and Twilight or Darker work on phones, but many phones come with an inbuilt night mode which you can actually set on a timer to switch on automatically every evening. 


This will ensure you float into dreamland with ease! An age-old remedy: Turmeric milk or Haldi Doodh is great for a good night’s rest. It’s super easy to make and always does the trick. Start with some milk. Milk contains sleep-inducing amino acids as well as melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. We’ve added almond paste to ours, which is highly nutritious. A couple of cardamom balls. Some honey. And finally, the turmeric, which is also known to be relaxing and promotes better sleep. Will also add some pepper which helps the turmeric get absorbed better. The perfect concoction for a restful snooze. 


Select and prep your clothes for the next day before bed. Laying out your clothes will not only save you time in the morning, but it’ll also allow you to make your outfit choices thoughtfully, while you’re fully awake, as opposed to in the morning when you’re half asleep. Also, you won’t need to worry about what to wear while you’re in bed, waiting for the sleep fairy. 


Reading a book before bed is a fantastic habit. It relaxes your mind, reduces stress, and keeps you away from your screens. It doesn’t matter what you read as long as it's interesting to you! Reading is known to boost your brand in power, and empathy and make you more creative.

A warm shower before bedtime has been proven to help you sleep quicker and better. The warmth of the water causes your body to cool down and is especially relaxing for your hands and feet. Studies have shown that a lower body temperature makes it easier to doze off and leads to better sleep. So hop in the shower and wash away the stresses of the day!


Maintaining a daily journal helps you gather your thoughts and organize your mind, potentially preventing you from staying up staring at the ceiling with a million worries in your head. You don’t need to write pages on pages, even one sentence is enough to help you reflect on your experiences and can sharpen your memory. Plus, in ‘the future you will thank you for the treasure trove of memories! 


If you want to be aware of how much and how well you are sleeping then there are a slew of smart sleep tracking programs available. You can track your sleep on an app or even on a smartwatch. In the long run, this can help you detect when life changes like getting a new job, changing your exercise routine, or starting medication are altering your sleep cycle. So if you’re someone who loses sleep oversleeping then this habit is a no-brainer Hope these simple habits help you turn bedtime into a peaceful affair, and get you energized for a new day!


Stay Healthy

Cumin Seeds

Along with its flavor, cumin is also known for its numerous health benefits, like digestion and insomnia, because there are some health benefits of cumin. Cumin contains essential oils that help to stimulate the saliva glands, which in turn help in the digestion of food.


Cumin seeds also help to strengthen the digestive system. Cumin is high in fiber, which helps to boost gastrointestinal tract activity that enables the stimulation of enzymes.


The practitioners use a lot of cumin in medicine for preventing and curing digestive problems like piles and constipation. Cumin contains a compound that helps in delaying the growth of tumors. Cumin is high in potassium, which helps to maintain fluctuating blood pressure levels in the body cumin has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that make it a great remedy to fight cold and asthma.


It helps to soothe the inflamed muscles and also boosts the immune system to fight the infection of the human. It is a storehouse of iron which is the main element in the production of hemoglobin. This helps to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. Humans are a rich source of iron and calcium, hence it is very good for lactating mothers. It helps in the production of milk.


Pregnant women generally consume cumin to get relief from symptoms like nausea and constipation. Cumin is also a storehouse of minerals like riboflavin, vitamin b6, and niacin. These essential minerals help to maintain and restore memory. Cummin contains vitamin E which is essential for maintaining healthy skin.


It also prevents premature aging and makes the skin look young and supple. Cuban can be used for treating dandruff and preventing thinning of hair baldness and falling hair. Cumin can be used to make a long and shiny look and feel healthy by consuming humans regularly.


Stay Healthy